Join us for our library storytime, where stories come alive through reading, singing, and crafts!
Zumba is an excellent high-intensity dance workout for all fitness levels. It provides many health benefits, including lowering blood pressure, improving endurance and pain tolerance, and encouraging social interaction.
Join the York Public Library for a monthly crafter's program! The library will lead participants in a new craft each month. March's craft is a kitchen decor sign! Please register as soon as possible as slots are limited.
Turning 65 this year and new to Medicare? Have you been a Medicare recipient for years and know there's more for you to know? This informative seminar will be presented by Medicare expert Rodger Dawson of Carolina Medicare 101.
Join us for our library storytime, where stories come alive through reading, singing, and crafts!
Let's Craft Together! - Flower Bookmark
Let's craft together! Come make an embroidered bookmark to hold your place in your favorite book!
All materials will be provided. No experience necessary except being able to thread your own needle.
Reading aloud helps young students expand their vocabulary and improve comprehension. A friendly face, particularly one accompanied by a wagging tail, can help ease reading jitters and build self-confidence in readers who want extra practice
Get ready to let your imagination soar as we build and create with Legos supplied by the library! Ages 6-11.
Have you wanted to try Dungeons and Dragons, but never had access to a group? Come join us at the Clover Public Library!
What creations will you bring to life? Drop-in to YA and get creative as we "write-on" and make some unique art using our 3D pens.
Ages 12-18. No registration required.
A book club for adults who love exploring the fantastical and the futuristic.
Book lovers meet the first Thursday of each month to discuss a great book. Visit the York Library to pick up a copy of the book we'll be discussing. Limit 15.
March's book: Maame by Jessica George