Bring your child to meet new friends.
Good Yarn Stitch Club
Bring your crafting projects (crochet, knitting, cross stitch, anything you can carry) and work along with other crafty people in the neighborhood.
Calling all wiggly giggly preschool bookworms! Join us for stories, songs, and activities for children ages 3-5 and their caregivers.
Homeschool families, please come and join us for the Homeschool Hangout!
Come learn how to make a fabric book cover with your own sewing machine! All fabric provided.
Prerequisite skills: participants must know how to thread their own machine and thread their own bobbin.
Join us for our monthly puzzle swap, hosted by the Fort Mill Library. Bring your gently used puzzles, with no missing pieces, and exchange them for "new to you" puzzles. This event is perfect for puzzle enthusiasts of all ages.
Chess Club
Join the York Public Library and learn chess basics, strategies, tactics and test your skills in 1-on-1 or chess games. All ages and skill levels are welcome!
Get involved with the Library by joining our Teen Advisory Board (TAB). All teens are welcome. Share ideas for creating our next after hours event. Ages 12-18.