Tuesdays at Ten Book Club

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Program Type:

Book Club
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Program Description

Event Details

Book lovers meet the first Tuesday of each month to discuss a great book.  Visit the York Library to pick up a copy of the book we'll be discussing. Limit 15.

October's Book: The Indigo Girl  by Natasha Boyd

This program aligns with YCL's cultural literacy framework, which addresses the ability to understand and appreciate the similarities and differences in the customs, values, and beliefs of one's own culture the cultures of others; YCL's information and media literacy framework, which addresses the ability to seek, evaluate, use and create information effectively to achieve personal, social, occupational and educational goals; YCL's social and emotional literacy framework, which addresses the ability to "read", recognize, and respond appropriately to emotions and feelings in oneself and in others; likewise, learning how to build and maintain respectful relationships.